9/11 Research Wiki

David M. Graham, DDS was born in Shreveport, Louisiana and reared on a farm in the nearby Grawood community. Graham graduated from Shreveport’s Centenary College and Loyola University School of Dentistry in New Orleans. After dental school Graham entered the U.S. Air Force and was stationed, of all places, on the pink beaches of Bermuda. But in 1967, volunteering for Vietnam brought dramatic change.

Weathering twenty-six rocket attacks in Vietnam, including the Tet Offensive in late January, 1968, Graham saw an enemy bent on blowing up aircraft on Bien Hoa Air Base flight line, a matter holding significance for this story. Awarded the Bronze Star, Dr. Graham soon began his Shreveport dental practice.

This era was sprinkled with publishing oral research, medical missionary trips, helping to formulate professional peer review, breeding thoroughbreds, and hosting an investigative radio show called CounterAttack. Graham’s investigative reporting of an alleged sex-blackmail-murder case was also covered by CBS’s 60 Minutes.

In the fall of 2000, Dr. Graham inadvertently met future 9/11 hijackers in Shreveport. Fearing a truck-bombing on Barksdale Air Force Base due to suspicious red flags, Graham promptly reported to both a Shreveport FBI Agent and a U.S. Secret Service Agent.

Ten months before 9/11, within The Graham Report the FBI had names of the “two 9/11 Ringleaders,” Nawaf Alhazmi and Khalid Almihdhar, young Saudis who were busy organizing the attacks by taking orders from Khalid Shaikh Mohammed (so-called Mastermind of 9/11) through coded messages over Internet chat rooms.
